
Sir darlion of pendor
Sir darlion of pendor

Base cost: 1000.^ Steward skills: Persuasion 3, Leadership 3.^A Chapel increases income by 5.^^Church^ Can build in: All. Base cost: 20000.^ Steward skills: Engineer 5, Leadership 5, Persuasion 6.^A Cathedral increases income by 20, prosperity by 20% and relations by 10.^^Chapel^ Can build in: Castle, Town. Base cost: 7000.^ Steward skills: Tactics 2, Spotting 2.^Building Inspectors increase base income by 2, prosperity by 3% and relations by 1.^^Cathedral^ Can build in: Town. Base cost: 5000.^ Steward skills: Tactics 2, Trade 3.^A blacksmith increases income by 5 and the prosperity by 5%.^^Building Inspectors^ Can build in: Town.

sir darlion of pendor

Ip_reference_buildings_text|Blacksmith^ Can build in: All.

sir darlion of pendor sir darlion of pendor

Sir darlion of pendor